Salt Cave
This room contains salt lamps, comfortable lying mats and free space to organize yoga classes, massages with salt stones, stretching, healthy spine classes and other silent activities.

This room contains salt lamps, comfortable lying mats and free space to organize yoga classes, massages with salt stones, stretching, healthy spine classes and other silent activities.
2 hrs every day can be used for a dance class (9am-11am). All the classes will be available for free.
There will be 1 hour Himalayan Salt Sleep Therapy after lunch.
Customers can lay down on the carpet inside the Salt Cave with a herbal pillow and eye massager and they relax with music ($49 +tx)
Evening hours can be used for special couple salt stones massages ($199 +tx per person or $299 +tx per couple for 1 hr).
The salt cave can be also used for group meeting purpose ($199 +tx for 1 hr with drinks and snacks).
Waitress and necessary tools like sound system, internet and multimedia projector will be provided.
There will be a small drink and food bar inside.
During group meetings the floor will be covered with carpet and our guests will be sitting on the floor on the comfortable poufs.
No shoes and socks allowed in the Salt Cave Zone.
Himalayan salt has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it a great natural treatment for athlete's foot and any complications it could cause. It may actually inhibit the growth and spread of athlete's foot.
Working Up A Sweat In HydroMassage
Salt therapy was discovered in the mid 18th century by Polish health official named Felix Botchkowski. Salt therapy was originally discovered as Speleotherapy or cave therapy, 'Spelenos' being the Greek term for 'cave'. Felix Botchkowski found that salt miners in Poland had not experienced lung-related ailments such as asthma, pneumonia, or chronic bronchitis. Even miners who had respiratory disease before they began working in the mines felt better and had fewer symptoms as they spent more and more time in the caves. Felix Botchkowski published a book in 1843 on his findings. His predecessor Mstislav Poljokowski founded the first Salt Spa in Velicko, which is still in operation today. Speleotherapy is the treatment of respiratory diseases, as well as some skin diseases, utilizing salt-rich air in underground caves. Natural salt microns and ions have been proven effective in calming an agitated respiratory track. Salt has a natural anti-inflammatory effect; it reduces swelling and edema in the air passages, making it less difficult and less painful to breath. Inhaling the salt-saturated air destroys fungus and bacteria in the mucosal lining of the respiratory tract. Breathing the salted air thins the mucous in the lungs so it is more easily expectorated. It has also being proven to remove remaining tar from the lungs of smokers. The salt ions produce a negative electrical charge in the air, which improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, decrease fatigue, and have many other curative effects. During a treatment, the patient is allowed to relax in the salt cave for the duration of the session. Each session last from twenty to forty five minutes, and is repeated daily for up to fifteen days. Treatments are recommended up to three times per year. Speleotherapy treatments are typically not private; patients usually can share a treatment cave with as many as thirty other individuals. Outside the caves, salt therapy is called Halotherapy. It comes from the Greek word 'halos', a term meaning 'salt'. Halotherapy is essentially a replication of Speleotherapy, using a dry aerosol spray to coat the walls and ceiling of a room. Man-made salt rooms allow the opportunity for a private session, but larger salt room are built to accommodate many more patients. Speleotherapy and Halotherapy have been effective in reducing symptoms in many areas of health. Although treatments are most used to remedy lung-related disorders, salt has also been used to care for skin conditions, anxiety, stress, ENT illnesses, and has been utilized to improve the immune system.
Conditions that are treated with salt include, but are not limited to:
Allergic colds, Hay Fever and Rhinopathy
Chronic bronchitis
Frequent viral infections
Frequent ear infections
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Smoker's cough
Stress and anxiety disorders
Cystic Fibrosis
Iflammation diseases of the intestines, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, stomach and duodenum ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome
Ichemic heart disease, hypertension, vascular diseases
Dgenerative and inflammatory rheumatism
Vgetative dystonia
Nurotic disorders, depressions, chronic fatigue syndrome, stress disorders
Salt therapy falls under the class of physical therapies. It is a non-invasive, natural therapy without the side affects of drugs normally used to treat these ailments, such as corticoids or steroids. The absence of these drugs allows this treatment to be safe for pregnant women, and even very young children. Children that receive this therapy inhale a lower concentration of salt air. An easy way to integrate salt therapy into a massage practice is with salt lamps. Although the salt lamp isn't nearly as strong as an underground Speleotherapy treatment, it still reproduces similar effects. In addition to having curative factors, salt lams also add a relaxing ambiance to a room. Utilizing air ionizers could also be a medicinal addition to the atmosphere of a massage practice. " Salt lamps are also an easy way to change the electric charge in the room. The heat from the light bulb or candle inside the lamp sends off the negatively charged salt ions. This cleans the air in the room. The salt ions cling to airborne allergens making them heavy, allowing them to fall out of the air so they don't get breathed in. The negative ions improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety.